CHARLIE FLOSSY SOPHIE SIAN GROUP 23 - Music Video 2008/9: October 2008

Thursday, 16 October 2008

change of location...

we ended up changing the location of the band being on top of a grassed hill to a long grassed field as when it came to moving all the props such as the drum kit we realised we were being very unrealistic, furthermore it would have been difficult to use the camera and tripod on such a slant. overall we prefer the new location as it has enabled us to create (fingers crossed) a perfecrt ending...


The day we first got the camera we did alot of footage in town of Sian's main singing bit and a few small other bits, this was so that we could get the basic outline of the video right and start to get the basic lip syncing done. One of our next targets was to get some footage of each individual so we could make a suiatable rough cut. This involved alot of footage at night in Cambourne, we tried to do severall takes of each setting but from different angles so that we can vary the image in our final piece.
We chose settings such as fields, a lake, a business park and an alley, we used lighting to help make the footage look professional.One of the things we were really pleased with was the filiming of the traffic which will be used sped up so that it has effects used on other music videos.

After succesfully uploading the footage we began to edit and created a suitable beginig, our main focus after this was to get sum more footage as we had small detailed clips but needed some bulk to fill the time.
This was our main focus for day 2 of filming.

Our second day of filming began in Cambourne and we went to collect the drum kit and carried it to our location. we had to flatten some grass and do some test footage to see how it looked. this worked well and we also had a nice background as the sun was about to set with clouds in frobt, this looked good but wasnt too bright to interfere witgh what we were filming.

along with getting alot of footage of the band playing together we together created a brilliant idea for a possible ending. it consisted of all the band members running into the libne of the horizon, this could work really well with a fade.

We are now in the editing process and cant wait to see the end product!

Friday, 3 October 2008

Contacting the band

We wanted to try and get a better feel about what the song was about, what it was trying to represent, and if there was any hidden meaning so that we could try and put this across in our video; So we messaged one of the band members via MySpace, asking how we could get the lyrics across.

Unfortunately, the member who responded didn't have the information we were looking for, and the conversation went as follows;

From: The Grates

Date: Sep 30, 2008 2:11 AM


RE: Music

do you know.. i have no idea. patience wrote it, i'm not even sure if it means anything!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ..rahnface.
Date: 15 Sep 2008, 06:52 PM

Hi i'm a student from long road sixth form college doing a media course. For our new project we have to make a music video. We're using your song "Rock Boys" and we would like to know what the lyrics are trying to get across?

Any help would be GREAT!


Following this response we then replied to the message asking if the band would be interested in seeing the final product when we have completed filming and editing our music video.
We are now waiting for a response.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Plan for the video
Who is going to be in it
Do we need to get more people
What are we going to wear
What day we are using the camera
Time slots for different locations
using lesson time efficiently to complete all footage and get on to editing quickly

All of our group members will be in the video, we are hoping to get several other people in the video like we planned in the animatic. We will get mostly friends to be in our video as they are readily available and close to the locations.

We want to wear clothes that are related to our genre of music the band members must stand out more than other extras. The lead singer could either be casual in a bright colour or wearing something like a dress which clashes with the relaxed surroundings.

We will have the camera during lessons and two over nights during the week this allows us to do all of our filming in a week, so we can then edit during the lesson time and get a rough cut in for the 10th of October. We will try and do the shooting in Cambourne during the over night this allows us to have the maxium time to set up the drums arrange people and have use different shots.


Plan for the video
Who is going to be in it
Do we need to get more people
What are we going to wear
What day we are using the camera
Time slots for different locations
using lesson time efficiently to complete all footage and get on to editing quickly

shot list .....

list of all shots we will do ...
1. long shot of light in the dark - slowly getting bigger
2. ribbon on a stick in front of the light when its big
3. mid shot of someone walking down an alley holding the ribbon on a stick walking towards the camera
4. someone running along a rural road
5 comes to a bench where the ribbon
6.Just the a close us of the ribbon wafting in the air
7. Shadow of person holding the ribbon
8.close ups of drum just seeing bit of it -never see whole drum
9. see a girl walking along the street
10. car goes past
11. once car has past the girl has got a ribbon and carrys on walking along the street
12. close up of mouth lip singing song
13 back to the person in the alley coming out into the open
14. close up on guitar playing
15. ribbons in the air agian

Blog assessment Feedback

1.List below the content of each of the posts:
New choice of song.
Reference to other singers.

2. Is there evidence in the blog that the group have completed background research,
Organised personal locations, and equipment for shooting.
Developed ideas since the initial concept.
you must give specific examples as evidence;

Band research.
Good in depth pitch with good examples.
lyrics and detailed information.
Lots of research, developed ideas.

3. Who do you think the target audience for our music video would be?
Teenage girls/Teenagers/"Hungry hungry teens"

4. Overall Assessment.

Level 4: Excellent planning 24-30 marks. * 24.
Level 3: Proficient planning 17-23 marks. **

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