CHARLIE FLOSSY SOPHIE SIAN GROUP 23 - Music Video 2008/9: shot list .....

Thursday, 2 October 2008

shot list .....

list of all shots we will do ...
1. long shot of light in the dark - slowly getting bigger
2. ribbon on a stick in front of the light when its big
3. mid shot of someone walking down an alley holding the ribbon on a stick walking towards the camera
4. someone running along a rural road
5 comes to a bench where the ribbon
6.Just the a close us of the ribbon wafting in the air
7. Shadow of person holding the ribbon
8.close ups of drum just seeing bit of it -never see whole drum
9. see a girl walking along the street
10. car goes past
11. once car has past the girl has got a ribbon and carrys on walking along the street
12. close up of mouth lip singing song
13 back to the person in the alley coming out into the open
14. close up on guitar playing
15. ribbons in the air agian


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